Give Yourself Grace

How many of you have thought about giving up on a job or situation. I’ve faced many difficult decisions, but lately I found myself struggling. I have been upset at myself for not obtaining my own expectations and feeling like I’m failing even though I’m trying my best. I can’t say I’ve completely resolved these feelings, but I’m realizing the importance of giving myself grace. I don’t know about you, but it is hard for me to give myself grace. It is easier for me to forgive others, but difficult to forgive myself. I want to encourage you and give you permission to love yourself when you feel like your failing to meet expectations. I can’t say I understand everything you’re going through. But I want to acknowledge that life can be hard, and sometimes seem unrelenting. Thank you for choosing to persevere. My prayer is that you continue to learn how to take care of yourself while doing the best you can in every situation. I’m learning this lesson, and it’s taking some time. I’m learning that it’s ok that I haven’t “arrived.”

One thought on “Give Yourself Grace

  1. Amen, sister! Especially with school and two new jobs starting, I’ve been overwhelmed. But God showed me in worship He is so ridiculously in love with us that He accepts even our heartbeat as a gift. That’s the kind of father you don’t have to sweat pleasing, loving him is easy and that’s what he wants


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